If what you are looking for is a well balanced life, yoga can be helpful in many ways. Balance is understood as the ability to adapt under any type of circumstance. Yoga can be extremely beneficial when it comes to creating balance as it provides you with philosophical principles, breathing techniques, physical exercises and meditation.
Through the consistent practice of yoga it is possible for a person to feel complete, and usually this happens when there is a solid connection between the mind and body. But, how can we align our emotions, feelings and thoughts in order to be at peace with ourselves?
The first step is to develop a sense of responsibility towards our own body and health, so we know how to use our inner energy positively whenever there is change in our lives or a challenge ahead of us.
Through yoga practice, you’ll also be able to further develop a sense of self and where you stand in the universe. You’ll be able to become more aware in identifying where you are currently at with your goals and aspirations versus where you would like to be. Through yoga, you can gain more clarity and confidence in how you view yourself, and what you would like to improve in terms of the mind/body relationship.
All these trains of thought are important because most of the time we act based on the idea that we can rely on ourselves. That’s why yoga invites you to return to a deeper sense of the “human”, which can help us make sense of what happens to us when we are aware of our body’s response to specific breathing exercises.
Another important step is to embrace healthy habits and let go of the bad ones. Consequently, we will be able to introduce new dynamics to our lives that could prevent us from having eating or sleeping problems; because if we modify our habits we restore all sorts of balance and therefore strengthen our physical and mental health.
Don’t wait any longer and start creating time in your daily life to practice yoga! It allows you to welcome new elements that will adjust the way your body works and the rhythm that comes from within.
In relation to the body, one example of how rhythm is expressed is through breath. Breathing is at the center of various yoga methods that are used to restore the nervous system. For example, it helps to relieve stress and produces a relaxation response, which is essential for a holistic functioning of the human body. With that being said, let’s explore some of the most popular and beginner- friendly yoga postures.
Five yoga positions that benefit health:
1.- Ardha Matsyendrasana (half twist)
This posture is recommended for people suffering from diabetes, since the abdominal stretching of this exercise favors insulin levels. It also helps with muscle contractures and increases metabolism.
2.- Adho Mukha (downward facing dog)
Downward Facing Dog is one of the most essential poses in yoga. It is a transition and rest position, it works very well to relieve insomnia or fatigue after a hard day’s work. In addition, it allows us to strengthen the muscles of the back, shoulders, arms and legs.
3.- Bhujangasana (cobra posture)
The cobra pose is perfect for calming cramps, irritability, fatigue, and menstrual cramps. It consists of breathing in a long and deep way raising the torso and keeping it that way for approximately one minute.
4.- Savasana ( neutral posture)
Savasana is one of the basic yoga postures to keep every part of the body relaxed. This position is perfect for calming the mind and treating anxiety, high blood pressure, depression, and headaches. As a general rule, yoga positions in which you stretch calmly are the best for relieving stress.
5.- Surya Namaskara (salute to the sun)
Surya Namaskara is the name given to a sequence of postures that includes almost all the muscles and organs of the body. Through this set of movements you can improve the heart rate and have a greater supply of oxygen to the body.
Overall, the practice of yoga consists of breathing deeply so you can identify what it is that your body needs in order to find balance. Balance will provide you with a clear mindset and a healthy life. We encourage you to find classes around your area to start exploring yoga’s benefits.
Online resources:
Having a healthy diet is key to wellness as it will provide your body with all the nutrients it needs for optimal physical and mental performance. Our body needs a lot of energy daily to function properly and this energy it’s produced based on the nutrients that we provide to our body.
However, it could be a bit difficult to maintain a healthy diet as we may face obstacles such as lack of financial resources to obtain the food that we need or not having enough time to prepare our meals which then lead us to rely on fast food and processed food.
While fast and processed food sounds like an ideal solution, it is important to keep in mind that this type of food normally does not provide the nutrients and vitamins that the body needs. Instead, they provide high levels of trans and saturated fats, and usually also contain high levels of salt or sugar.
According to the World Health Organization, consuming fast and processed food too often can eventually lead to health conditions such as heart conditions, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and even cancer. Food that lacks nutrients and vitamins directly affects our production of energy as it does not provide the body with the nutrients it needs for optimal energy production.
Additional to physical health conditions, a recent study published by the Royal Societe Open Science, suggests that our diet can also directly affect our mental health as the digestive system is in constant communication with the brain through the vagus nerve.
Using complex processes, the microorganisms that live in our intestines known as “gut microbiota” also generate several neurotransmitters including serotonin, which have been proven to impact our mental health in both positive and negative ways. These neurotransmitters can also be generated based on the food we eat, therefore, a balanced and healthy diet contributes to good mental health. It is estimated that up to 80% of the serotonin supply is produced and accumulated in the intestines, and low levels of this neurotransmitter are associated with depression and anxiety.
How can I improve my diet?
The first step should be reducing the intake of food that does not provide sufficient nutrients to your body. You can start with small steps like reducing the intake of fast and processed food gradually so that you get used to more nutritious food. You can also set goals like eating more fruits and vegetables on specific days. For example, eating more fruits and vegetables two or three days a week and then slowly increasing the intake of nutritious food.
How many servings of fruits and vegetables should I have for a balanced and healthy diet?
The truth is, there is no specific answer to this question as this will depend on several factors such as your age, weight, daily habits, and also the level of physical activity you perform. It is also very important to consider your current health condition before making big changes to your diet. If you suffer from any health condition, it will be best to visit a doctor who can guide you on how to transition to a healthy diet based on your personal needs.
That being said, different sources provide different recommendations when it comes to a balanced diet. For your reference, the “MyPlate” program from the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that half of your plate should be vegetables or fruits, while the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends having two and a half servings of vegetables, and two servings of fruit daily. It is also important that we eat cereals and grains as they also provide nutrients and vitamins the body needs. The AHA recommends having at least six servings of cereals and grains daily. Lastly, you would want to also include protein in your diet and the AHA recommends five and a half-ounce equivalents of protein per day. You can view these recommendations in more detail and other helpful information here.
For your convenience, you can also find a few recommendations to improve your diet and how to administer your financial resources and time in a more efficient manner below:
1. Make a budget for food – Making a budget for food will be of great help when acquiring all the food that you need. As mentioned, a balanced diet should include fruits, vegetables, cereals and grains, and protein, so you would want to make sure to put all of these items on your shopping list.
2. Get your food from local markets and stores – You will normally find lower prices at local markets and stores, and the food you can get at these places might be of higher quality.
3. Plan weekly menus/”Meal Prep” – If you don’t have enough time to cook daily, planning a weekly menu also known as “Meal Prep” will be really helpful for you. You can make a list of all the dishes you would like to eat during the week and you can cook them all at once. Then, you can store your food in the fridge and heat it when you’re ready to eat. This will save you a lot of time as you would not need to be stuck in the kitchen every day.
4. Create your own recipes – A balanced and healthy diet does not have to be boring! You set the limits in your own kitchen so you have the flexibility to create your own recipes using the ingredients you like the most. This way, you will be getting used to healthy delicious food.
5. Find social programs – Some countries offer financial support or food programs from which you can benefit if your financial resources are limited. This will depend on your country of residence and you will need to contact the office or department in charge of these programs for further information.
As explained in this post, a balanced and healthy diet can be of great benefit to both our physical and mental health, so it is important to try your best to provide your body with the nutrients it needs. This will also help you to feel more energetic and focus on your personal, professional, and educational goals.
A hot topic in the news around the world right now is monkeypox. Despite its name, monkeypox does not come from monkeys (there is even a campaign to rename the virus). However, it is in the poxvirus family, meaning it’s related to other pox diseases such as smallpox, cowpox, and horsepox–but NOT the common chickenpox. While the virus itself is not new, the global spread we are currently seeing is somewhat puzzling to medical scientists, who haven’t seen the same behavior from the virus before. We are all a bit on edge from living through a global pandemic for two years, so this post will help to dispel myths about monkeypox, share what to look out for, and your best defenses against the virus.
1. Monkeypox is an STI: Monkeypox is not considered a sexually transmitted infection, because it can be spread by any kind of close contact. The most common methods of close contact that may spread monkeypox include close contact with an infected animal, person-to-person physical contact, and contact with contaminated surfaces or objects.
2. Monkeypox is only affecting the LGBTQ+ population: While the most at-risk population for monkeypox exposure is currently men who have sex with men, monkeypox can and does impact those outside of the LGBTQ+ community–including healthcare workers and people who are immunocompromised. As you just learned above, the virus can be spread by any type of close contact, so anyone who is exposed to the virus is susceptible. If you are in one of those higher risk populations, then there are precautions you can take to protect yourself (keep reading).
3. Monkeypox is another pandemic: Although monkeypox is spreading globally in 2022, the spread has not reached pandemic levels. This virus is not nearly as contagious as COVID-19 has proven to be. COVID-19 was a brand new virus, first discovered in 2019, that is spread through tiny droplets in the air. Monkeypox, on the other hand, has been around since 1958 (so we know much more about it) and is spread primarily through close contact (https://www.cdph.ca.gov/). Prior to 2022, the virus was primarily isolated to sub-saharan African countries, but there are now over 50,000 global cases including almost 19,000 confirmed cases in the US. The majority of these cases are occurring in, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), “locations that have not historically reported monkeypox” (https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox). Another major difference between the COVID-19 pandemic and the current monkeypox outbreak is that death from monkeypox is extremely rare. In the US, for example, none of the 19,000 confirmed cases have ended in death.
Now that we have the myths busted, let’s talk more about what to look for if you think you may have been exposed to monkeypox.
The most common and obvious symptoms of monkeypox are flu-like symptoms (such as fever, muscle aches, sore throat, congestion) followed by the blistered rash or firm sores that can appear 1-4 days after the early symptoms begin. Blisters may show up anywhere on the body but are often seen in the genital or pelvic area, as well as mouth, face, hands, feet, and torso.
As long as you have symptoms, including the blistered rash, you are contagious, so be sure to isolate and avoid close contact with people and animals while you are symptomatic.
First: stay calm! Monkeypox can reportedly be quite uncomfortable but it IS treatable. It’s important to seek treatment quickly to get relief as soon as possible.
Find an in-network provider and seek treatment immediately. Your provider may recommend a telehealth assessment initially to determine if you are contagious and what precautions you should take. Depending on your insurance plan, be sure to file a claim to get eligible expenses covered for your treatment.
Remember to isolate and avoid contact with others (as much as possible) while you are symptomatic. If you must come into contact with others, such as when seeking medical treatment, use PPE and disclose your diagnosis to those treating you.
Also, be sure to communicate with your school and/or job about any class or work you may miss. Remember that you do not have to disclose your specific diagnosis, but it may be helpful to let professors and bosses know that you have to isolate and will be attending class or working remotely until asymptomatic.
For more information about Monkeypox, review this helpful post from The Unbiased Science Podcast, which breaks down important information about the virus into bite-sized details.
The levels of stress, anxiety and depression have risen over recent years, and many people don’t have the support and care that they need. Suicide is the leading cause of death for those between the ages of 10-34. Now, there is a new free hotline in the US to help. The 988 Suicide and Crises Lifeline is a toll-free number that was launched across the United States last month to handle crisis support for mental health, substance abuse, suicide, or any other emotional distress.
Callers can dial or text 988 from anywhere in the US to be connected to a trained counselor or to local resources. This number is confidential, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and routes callers to the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, now known as the 988 Suicide & Crisis Hotline.
When you contact the hotline, you will be connected to a licensed counselor who is trained to listen, understand, provide support, and bridge those who need it with other resources in the community. People who may be concerned about someone they know needing crisis support can also use this lifeline support.
The lifeline has been around since 2005 and operates over 200 crisis centers throughout the United States. Study after study has shown that this support has helped callers feel less suicidal, less depressed, less overwhelmed and more hopeful after speaking with a Lifeline counselor.
Call 988 to speak with the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
24/7, confidential support to people in suicidal crisis or mental health-related distress
One of the most time consuming parts of planning your trip abroad is the visa process. For those coming to the United States, there are a variety of different visa types based on your reason for travel, and they each come with their own set of requirements. For the most accurate, up-to-date details, please be sure to contact your local consulate or embassy office! However, if you are just starting out, read below to learn the main differences between four common visa types.
F Visas are designed for full-time international students and their dependents. If you are planning to come to the United States to attend a school or university, you likely will receive an F1 visa. If you were to travel with a spouse or child that won’t be studying, they would typically receive an F2 visa. The US State Department does not outline any specific insurance requirements for F visas, but in most cases, your school will require proof of coverage for you and your dependents. If you know what school you plan to attend, give us a call, and we can help you find a plan that meets your requirements!
J Visas are designed for those coming to the US on work or travel programs, or for short-term students/scholars. J1 and J2 visas have very specific insurance requirements in order to stay in compliance.
Luckily, International Student Insurance offers plans that meet all of the requirements above. If you need help determining the best option, let us know.
If you hold an H-1B visa, you are likely working in a specialty occupation that requires technical expertise. In order to obtain this visa, your employer will submit the application on your behalf. Based on your tax status in the US while on an H-1B visa, you may or may not be required to hold a domestic insurance plan under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). It’s important to consult a tax specialist if you hold this visa type.
Optional Practical Training (OPT) is an extension of the F1 visa where students that have been pursuing their degrees for more than nine months are permitted by the USCIS to work towards getting practical training to complement their field of studies. Some OPT students are required to stay on their school’s insurance plan, some may be on their job’s plan where they are training, and some may be on their own to get coverage. If you need to buy a plan to cover you while on OPT, you are eligible for our student health plan! Call us for more information.
To learn more about each visa type in detail, visit our US Visas Explained page for more.
Congratulations! You have been admitted to the university of your choice, and now it’s time to start planning your class schedule and start a packing list of what you need to bring. The first item on your checklist is a crisp pair of twin XL sheets for your dorm amongst many other necessities, but be sure to leave room on that list for health insurance!
Health insurance is often a requirement for international students to have once admitted to a university. Typically, a school will either mandate a plan, which means that international students must have health insurance before classes begin, or will suggest that students purchase a plan just in case the unforeseeable happens. In either case, it is important to understand your options, so that you have a health insurance plan in place that fits your specific needs.
A mandated plan can mean that you will have to purchase your school’s health insurance plan with no exemptions or options to waive this coverage. Sometimes, mandated plans can be waived with comparable coverage. If you are looking to waive out of your school’s plan and purchase one on your own, you will first need a health insurance waiver. This form has information that is needed to waive out of your school’s plan and often needs to be sent to your insurance provider to confirm that your plan is sufficient!
Here are some tips on how to make this process as smooth as possible and what to look for when trying to opt out of your school’s plan.
Every school is different when it comes to insurance requirements, and some schools may have more than others. When looking to opt out of your school’s plan, it’s important that you are aware of any requirements that they have in place so that you have adequate coverage and your waiver is approved. A good resource for more information is the International Student Services office at your school, which is designed to help current and incoming international students with any questions. Once you have a list of requirements or your school’s waiver, you are ready to start looking for alternative plans!
If your school lists that your plan must be ACA compliant, this means that your plan must offer benefits as per the Affordable Care Act in the United States. This means that the health insurance plan must include coverage for the ten essential health benefits offered per this act, and examples include an unlimited policy maximum and immediate coverage for pre-existing conditions. A plan that is ACA Comparable means that it offers similar benefits, but is not classified as ACA Compliant. If required by your school, the Student Defender will meet these requirements. You can view your school’s insurance requirements by checking out our School Requirements Portal.
If you are participating in sports at your school, whether on your school’s official team or through an intramural team, you will want to have a plan that covers sports injuries since not all plans will. The Student Secure plan offers a sports rider, which can be added to the Budget, Select, and Elite levels of the plan. Adding this rider could cover injuries that occur while participating in intramural, interscholastic, intercollegiate, or club sports. If you are an athlete, having sports coverage in your plan could determine whether your waiver is approved by your school.
Once you have purchased a plan that meets all of your school’s requirements, it’s time to let your school know you have an insurance plan in place. This typically comes in the form of completing a waiver form (either online or with a paper form) or showing proof of coverage to your school. If you need a paper form completed, we recommend purchasing your insurance plan a few days in advance to give the insurance company enough time to complete the form. In many cases, purchasing your insurance plan in advance ensures that you have everything ready and have your insurance holds removed so that you may register for classes!
If you have a plan that you are interested in but are not quite sure if your school will accept it, feel free to reach out to us so that we can review your school’s requirements and confirm if the plan is a good fit! You are always welcome to send any waivers for us to review at info@InternationalStudentInsurance.com – we will happily match you with a plan that is a good option to waive your school’s plan.
These are just a few suggestions that can assist with the process of waiving your insurance! If you have any questions about our plans, please do not hesitate to contact us! We are available via email, live chat, WhatsApp chat, and are happy to assist you over the phone.
You’ve taken the first vital step towards being in a different country– this may be as a traveler, a scholar, or even a student. Congratulations! However, now that you are outside of your home and your health insurance is taken care of, there are still many resources that perhaps you have not thought about but will need to navigate through once you arrive at your destination.
We want to make the transition as easy as possible for you by providing some tips and resources you can use to be as safe, happy, and successful as possible during your time abroad!
Firefighters are one of the most important services in any city, since they not only protect people, spaces, and structures from fires, but also serve as the frontline emergency medical responders, help with rescues, and assist in traffic accidents. Knowing where and how close a station is to you could help you build an emergency plan if you ever need it.
Knowing where your nearest medical providers are could help you or the people around you in both emergency and new medical situations. If you have already purchased a plan with us, you can utilize our online search tools for in-network providers in your area, by simply typing in your ZIP code.
Even if you are not a student or have dependents that will be studying, knowing where the schools in your area are can give you an additional set of services. Many universities especially offer access to food pantries, free events, libraries, and potentially healthcare if they have a student health center on campus. In recent years, they have also been hosts to voting centers, vaccinations/blood donation drives, and even emergency shelters.
With ever-changing situations that can happen abroad, it is important to know your rights and responsibilities when you are outside your home country. Knowing how and where to find legal services could make a big difference.
Nobody wants to think about emergencies but with the experience of the past 2 years, knowing the location of your closest embassy/consulate could help you in the case of disaster/emergency. These centers can assist you if there are any immigration updates, war, evacuation needs to your home country, or even passport/visa loss, so it is a good idea to have their address and phone number on hand.
This may seem like an obvious suggestion, especially if you will be staying abroad for a while. However, banks have many benefits that could help you with your finances. They can help you obtain foreign currency, learn about loans, assist in withdrawing deposits or transfers from your family, and even give you special discounts for your purchases so you make the most of your expenses.
No two cities are the same, so don’t forget to research how you will be able to move around in your new temporary home. Will you need to buy/rent a car? Can you use public transportation? Is it a city where you can mostly rely on walking or biking? Knowing this will not only let you explore your new city, but also know how you can run errands, how far away you can live from important centers, and even impact your budget. Many cities even offer apps to help you find routes and pay for tickets.
Although these are not the only important services you will need while abroad, we hope they give you a good starting point and help you during your journey!
Being an international student can certainly be an exciting experience. Getting to travel to a different country, experiencing a different culture while studying your dream career is definitely a big achievement.
However, with great achievements, sometimes comes a lot of responsibility that can generate unusually high stress levels, also combined with the anxiety that might come from having to adapt to life in a new place and far away from your support group (family, friends or romantic partners).
Even though I haven’t been in an educational exchange program, I’ve also had to adapt to a new lifestyle after moving to a big city from a small town and I have dealt with high amounts of stress and anxiety of the uncertainty of the future after I had moved far from my loved ones. During this time, I had to seek help and learned a few strategies to help you cope with these feelings, and I would like to share them with you today.
It is important to note that stress is not the same as a mental health disorder, such as anxiety, but high stress levels could instead increase the risk of developing an anxiety disorder.
Sometimes we’re so focused on doing well academically that we start to neglect some of our very important body needs, like drinking enough water, eating three meals a day, or even going to the bathroom with more frequency.
Scheduling short breaks into your daily routine (5 to 10 minutes) where you can put aside what you’re doing and do some light stretching, go for a short walk or do breathing exercises, can help you with lowering your stress levels in a way that can help increase your productivity. We’ll discuss breathing exercises in the next point!
Hyperventilation is a physical symptom of high stress and/or anxiety, and it is typically experienced when having a panic attack. In order to avoid hyperventilating, it is important that you practice slow breathing and I’d like to present you two tips to achieve this:
. (Source:https://www.duffthepsych.com)
A diet rich in vitamins and minerals (found in fruit and vegetables) can also help you when you’re suffering from stress and anxiety, since a well nourished, strong body can cope better with both of these, therefore, try to not skip any meals!
Additionally, try to decrease your caffeine, nicotine and alcohol intake. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that can worsen anxiety symptoms and alcohol is a depressant of the nervous system, which can contribute to enhancing any bad feelings you have about a specific situation, and if you’re using it to relax or cope, which can cause you to become dependent on it.
After I had just moved to a different city, I started to become depressed and started to receive counseling to deal with the anxiety of having to adapt to an entirely new place. My psychologist recommended that I exercise everyday for at least 30 to 40 minutes, and I did as she told me, even though back then, I felt tired all the time. It did work to lower my anxiety and stress levels, and to make me feel better overall. In addition to helping improve your mental health, exercise can also help your physical health by decreasing the risk of developing illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
Stress and anxiety can definitely prevent you from having a good night’s sleep, but did you know it can also be the other way around? Not sleeping enough can also bring your body to experience higher levels of stress and anxiety. Sleep deprivation can also affect your learning skills and memory.
Learning how to breathe, a healthy diet and regular exercise can certainly help with sleeping issues, but another thing that can help is avoiding the use of screens for at least 30 minutes before your bedtime. I find that lavender essential oil rubbed on my temples or sprayed on my pillow is an excellent aid when I’m having sleep problems.
It is important to acknowledge that sometimes we need professional advice to help us overcome anxiety so we encourage you to seek help. Some colleges or universities offer free counseling sessions for their students, and we recommend that you reach out to your international student advisor so that they can guide you towards the resources that might be available to you as an international student.
In the meantime, we hope this simple lifestyle advice can help you be more relaxed and less anxious so you can fully enjoy the international education experience!
We are happy to announce that the WhatsApp live chat is now available!
We are always striving to provide efficient high-quality service to our customers and members, and we worked on developing this feature so it would be easier to contact us and get personalized assistance.
Through our WhatsApp live chat, our service team will be able to assist you with any type of request or inquiry. We can assist you with the following and much more:
In addition, you will be able to send us documents such as waiver forms, insurance certification forms, lists of requirements, or any other document that you would like us to review or fill out for you.
How do I use the WhatsApp live chat?
We strive to facilitate the insurance process for our customers and this is no exception. Connecting with us through WhatsApp is designed to be as easy as possible. You can follow the steps below to start a chat with us:
2. Choose WhatsApp from the online chat options
3. Open the WhatsApp app on your phone and go to Settings. Then click the QR icon you can find right next to your name
4. Scan the QR code you see after choosing WhatsApp from the online chat options
After following the steps listed above, you will be all set to start a chat and speak with an insurance agent!
This new way to connect with us will be convenient for our customers as they will be able to get personalized assistance right away. This feature will allow them to speak with an agent that will focus on helping with their health insurance needs and answer any questions they may have.
If you have any questions regarding our plans, need a plan recommendation, or need assistance with your existing insurance policy, please do not hesitate to contact us through our WhatsApp live chat!
It is finally here! The semester you have been waiting for: your first semester in the United States. You packed your bags and arrived at your new university, and there are so many new things to experience. Unfortunately, not all of them are going to come easily. With our help, though, learning about your insurance plan won’t be one of the hard ones!
We gathered some of the top questions international students are curious about regarding our plans and have answered them all for you below. Here are your insurance questions answered.
If you are already pregnant before buying a plan, unfortunately, the delivery will not be covered under our policies. However, on our Atlas Travel Medical plan, there is coverage for complications of pregnancy for the first 26 weeks. If you are not pregnant and want to purchase a plan that includes maternity coverage for future pregnancies, please give us a call, and we are happy to go through our plan options with you!
Our plans include a small amount of dental treatment due to an accident or because of sudden pain. To learn about the exact amounts, please call or email as it may differ based on the plan that you purchased! If you are looking for dental coverage for things like cleanings, wisdom teeth, or root canals, you may be interested in purchasing a Discount Dental plan.
After purchasing a plan with ISI, you have access to an online Student Zone where you can find all the information you need to successfully manage your insurance. From this account, you can extend coverage, access claims information, download your ID card, and more. We recommend registering for your Student Zone account right away, so you don’t miss out on any important information!
An insurance network is a group of doctors or hospitals that work with your plan. This means that they are often already set up to directly bill the insurance company for your visit. To find out which network your plan uses, check your ID card for logos. Some common provider networks on our plans include United Healthcare or Multiplan. Luckily, we have a provider search for all of our policies where you can put in your address and find all the doctors and hospitals around you that are in-network! You can access this through your Student Zone or contact us for more information.
Remember, if you do not go in-network, meaning you visit a doctor that does not work with the plan, you may be required to pay for your visit up front and file a claim to be reimbursed. Your coverage also might not be at the same level out-of-network; check your policy certificate for more details.
To learn even more about insurance provider networks, visit our online resource here.
When you go in-network, the doctor should be set up to directly bill the insurance company for your treatment, as we mentioned above. However, even if you provide them with your ID card and they send the bill to the insurance company, you do still need to file a claim on your end. Fortunately, filing a claim is as simple as filling out the claim form in your Student Zone and emailing it to the insurance company. For fastest processing, please include a copy of your visa and passport in this email. If you have a student plan, you might also need to provide proof of student status. Additionally, if you paid for any treatment up front yourself, be sure to include all receipts with your claim.
You can read more in-depth about claims and the process here.
If you have any specific questions about your insurance plan or need help deciding which policy is best for you, contact us! Our licensed agents are waiting to assist you by phone, email, or live chat.