Traveling the world opens doors to incredible experiences, but it also comes with inherent risks. Unexpected medical emergencies can happen anywhere, and the costs associated with them, especially in remote locations, can be astronomical. That’s where emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains insurance comes in.

What is Emergency Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of Remains Insurance?

This type of insurance provides financial protection in case you require medical evacuation to a better-equipped facility or to your home country to get treatment or need your remains repatriated to your home country in the unfortunate event of your passing abroad. 

The U.S. Department of State mandates that all J-visa holders have health insurance that includes emergency medical evacuation coverage of at least $50,000 and repatriation of remains coverage of at least $25,000. This ensures that J-visa holders can access necessary medical care and have their remains returned home in a dignified manner.

Get Covered with ISI:

Our Student Secure plan, in addition to healthcare benefits in the case of an illness or accident, offers robust evacuation and repatriation coverage, fully conforming to J visa regulations.

If you have health insurance elsewhere and would like to have complementary evacuation and repatriation coverage to bolster your peace of mind or to comply with the J visa requirements, our Medical Evacuation plan is a great option. It is also ideal for international students on an ACA compliant plan that does not have these benefits included. The plan can be purchased for 3, 6 or 12 months. To see a detailed list of benefits, you can visit this site.

In conclusion, emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains insurance is an essential investment for any traveler. It provides invaluable peace of mind and financial protection in case of unexpected medical emergencies abroad. Choose ISI for reliable and affordable coverage, and embark on your next adventure with confidence!

Alternative Insurance Plan for NYU Students

July 12th, 2024 by Maria Caballero

For international students studying at New York University (NYU), you have the option to choose the school insurance plan or select an alternative option that meets the waiver requirements. Read this article to learn more about how the waiver process works when you purchase our Student Defender plan to waive the NYU school insurance.

What is the plan option through ISI that meets NYU’s waiver requirements, and how does it compare to NYU’s plan?

Plan ComparisonNYU PlanStudent Defender Plan
Cost$4644 per yearStarting at $1,188 per year
NetworkCigna OAPAetna Passport PPO
Out of Pocket Max$5,000$6,350
Deductible (Annual)$0$200, $500, or $1500

For more information about the Student Defender plan, click here!

What is a waiver form?

Some students can find other insurance plans more affordable or more suitable for their needs, but most schools allow them to explore other options as long as they meet their requirements.

A waiver form is a formal document where independent insurance companies or brokers can review the insurance requirements NYU establishes for all their students to guarantee that they are compliant with their guidelines.

How to Pick an Insurance Plan?

It’s very important to take into consideration some points before choosing a plan:

1. Restrictions: Some insurance companies have restrictions on online transactions or even to different countries due to security reasons. 

2. Price: All of our plans work with age brackets and daily rates, so depending on the one that you are currently in, the price could be different. Depending on your budget, we can guide you to the best option for you. 

3. Benefits: All of our plans are designed to cover you everywhere outside of your home country for eligible injuries or illnesses that could occur after the effective start date of the plan. However, your school will probably share with you a list of requirements that you need to meet, plus we also take into consideration your personal needs in case you are looking for particular benefits.

What should I do to start with the waiver process?

You can always contact one of our agents and we will be more than happy to help you to find the best option plan for you based on your profile and your school requirements. 

We offer different plans depending on the type of visa you have. For F1 students, our popular option is our Student Defender plan, which you can review here: F1 Insurance Plan for NYU.

For our J visitors, scholars, and Exchange Visitors we have several options, including some that work for dependents. You can review them here:  J-1 Plans for NYU.

We strongly recommend you contact us before purchasing the plan to guide you in the process and to point you to the most suitable option for you.

We are available Monday through Friday, 8 am – 6:30 pm EST.

Toll-Free: (877) 758-4391

Direct: +1 (904) 758-4391 

You can also email us your inquiries and questions to 

What will happen after the purchase?

The purchase is very simple. Once you complete the payment, you will receive all your insurance documents via email for your convenience. 

However, some schools provide the students with a form and request the insurance company complete it to confirm that the current plan the student is enrolled in is compliant.

We will be happy to help you fill out the form; the process typically takes 2-3 business days. Once it’s done, we send a copy to you and your school. You must simply email us your policy number and waiver form filled out with your information to

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact us!

In the realm of financial security, where complex products intersect with potentially stressful situations, exceptional customer service becomes the cornerstone of trust and successful experiences. While competitive rates and comprehensive coverage are essential, it’s the quality of human interaction that fosters long-term relationships and loyalty. This blog explores the key aspects that contribute to great customer service and their particular importance during the purchase of an insurance plan.

Transparency and Clear Communication

Insurance policies can be dense with legalese, leading to confusion and apprehension. Great customer service prioritizes transparency and clear communication. Representatives should explain coverage details, exclusions, and claims processes in a way that is easy to understand. Utilizing plain language, avoiding technical jargon, and providing clear written materials empower customers to make informed decisions and feel secure in their understanding of the policy.

Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

Purchasing insurance often stems from a perceived vulnerability, whether protecting one’s health or loved ones. Exceptional customer service recognizes the emotional component of the process. Representatives who demonstrate empathy and emotional intelligence can foster a sense of security in the customer.

Responsiveness and Efficiency

Time is valuable, and a prompt response demonstrates respect for the customer’s time. Whether answering questions, providing quotes, or processing applications, efficient service conveys professionalism and builds trust. Offering multiple communication channels (phone, email, online chat) caters to customer preferences and ensures accessibility.

The Importance of Customer Service in Insurance Purchase

In a competitive insurance market, exceptional customer service offers a distinct advantage. Here’s why it’s particularly crucial during the purchase of an insurance plan:

  • Reduces Decision Fatigue: The abundance of insurance options can be overwhelming. Customer service representatives who take the time to understand individual needs and tailor presentations can significantly reduce decision fatigue and simplify the selection process.
  • Increases Confidence: Clear communication and transparent explanations build trust and empower customers to make informed decisions with confidence, knowing they’ve chosen the right plan for their circumstances.
  • Builds Loyalty: Positive interactions during the purchase process create a lasting impression. Customers who feel valued and understood are more likely to remain loyal to the insurer and recommend them to others.
  • Mitigates Risk of Claims Disputes: A thorough understanding of the policy details fosters clear communication when filing claims. Customers who feel they were treated fairly during the purchase are likelier to have a smooth claims experience.

Exceptional customer service isn’t just about politeness; it’s a strategic approach that builds trust, fosters long-term relationships, and ultimately drives sales success in the insurance industry. Be sure that in International Student Insurance, customer service representatives will prioritize clear communication, empathy, and a genuine understanding of your needs, as they would not simply present product features; they will engage in active listening to uncover your unique circumstances, risk tolerance, and compliance goals. Their personalized approach fosters trust and allows tailored communication, ensuring your confidence in your chosen plan.

Mental Health Awareness Month: Nature and Mental Health

March 28th, 2024 by Angela Perrilliat

Every year during the month of May, the United States celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month. The purpose of this is to raise awareness and educate the public about diverse topics that fall under the big umbrella that is mental health. Regarding this issue, you’ll learn about one specific situation that can be detrimental to mental health: the lack of experiences related to nature and natural environments. Also, some actions that we all can take to connect with nature and green spaces in order to maintain a good mental health. 

The dilemma

In an increasingly urbanized world, our access to nature is dwindling just as the human contact with nature due to the pandemic that kept us inside of our homes for so long; and for those reasons alone we can say that we have the perfect combo for a lack of nature in our lives, which is detrimental to mental health.

The research

The research made by  psychologists and ecologists throw evidence about the positive effects that nature can have in us. It includes studies on specific psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety and mood disorder. Access to nature has also been found to improve sleep, happiness, reduce stress and negative emotions, promote positive social interactions and even help generate a sense of meaning to life. Being in green environments can boost different aspects of thinking, including attention, memory and creativity. 

The way we experience nature has to do with individuals’ perceptions and/or interactions with stimuli from the natural world (from potted plants and private gardens to more expansive public green spaces and wilderness, weather, even the sunlight). Some examples of how we can develop our connectedness with nature are: activities where the senses are involved can help us develop our connection with it, as well as activities where we feel emotions such as compassion, or where we find beauty and meaning in it.

Disadvantage barriers

While nature can be found practically “anywhere” (a bird, a tree, the sky, a plant), high-quality natural spaces -which we know are most likely to help support good mental health- are not available equally to everyone. Some things to take into account are:

  • People living in urban areas with no access to gardens, trees in the street, bushes, flowers, etc.
  • People living with a disability or health condition often face specific barriers when natural spaces are not equipped with inclusion in mind or a lack of accessible routes for them.
  • For some groups (i.e women, minorities) green spaces may feel unsafe due to factors such as discrimination, sexual harassment and others.

These are very important elements to keep in mind when taking action to be more involved in nature, because there are some disadvantages you may face. That’s why you have to remember: it is not your fault if you can’t access these basic things.

Accessing nature

It can be hard to know where to find nature. Many of us do not have a garden. And those of us who live in cities or towns may not live near a park or green space. You may be worried about the cost of plants, gardening equipment, or getting tired easily or have difficulty doing physical activities.

Here are some tips and suggestions for you to consider:

  • Bring nature indoors. Buy flowers or potted plants for your home, collect natural materials and use them to decorate your space, grow plants on windowsills, listen to natural sounds, watch videos of nature.
  • Look for nature wherever you are. Look out of your window and take notice, take pictures.
  • Look for local green spaces. Your local council may have information about parks or natural reserves near you.
  • Help the environment. Volunteer for a conservatory project, plant helpful seeds, build an animal habitat. 
  • Connect with animals. Watch out for wildlife (squirrels, fish, insects, etc.), hang a bird feeder outside a window and start birdwatching, try pet-sitting or dog walking.

For a profound and extensive guide on this topic, we recommend you read this study from Mental Health Foundation about Mental Health Awareness Week 2021: Read more

10 travel packing hacks for your next adventure

March 8th, 2024 by Lia Malcon

We might think that we all know how to pack, but believe me when I tell you that these hacks are going to make your life easier, whether you’re going on vacation, business or just for a short break, we want you to be organized to enjoy your trip!


The rolling method is the biggest revolution in packing yet. Folded clothing takes more space than their rolled counterparts. Plus, rolling prevents your pieces from having creases and wrinkles.

Roll, roll, roll, so you can pack extra stuff into your suitcase!

It’s hard to believe that such a simple trick can change how you pack drastically. We recommend you to look for tutorials in social media such as Tik Tok, Instagram or Facebook to know how to do this amazing trick and you’ll be able to take everything with you on your trip. 


      Packing at the last minute is a recipe for disaster. You should put away everything you need into your suitcase about one week, or at least 2-3 days, in advance. The majority of time should be spent on researching and planning.

      We know that this advice could be considered as simple but believe us when we say that a lot of people leave packing at the last minute and end up forgetting a lot of their stuff for the trip. Sometimes the things that you forget are things that you need to buy during the trip and that would make you spend more money. 


      Nowadays you can do this list with your smartphone and mark the things that you have already packed. This would be a great way to optimize your time and be more organized. 


      Health care on the road is essential. Be sure to take with you at least one first aid kit. As for what items you should take, we recommend you the following:

      • Prescription medications
      • Face masks
      • Antibacterial wipes
      • Anti-diarrhoea medication
      • Plaster (band-aid)
      • Gauze & Tape
      • Moleskin
      • Scissors & Tweezers
      • Antiseptic
      • List of emergency phone numbers
      Why leave the inside of your shoes empty when you can utilize that space!

      You should stuff your shoes with soft materials such as socks and underwear to make use of that extra space. Likewise, hats can be used in the same way. Lay your hats upside down and stuff them with socks and smaller items. This is also an excellent way to keep your non-foldable hats in shape.


      If you are traveling far, isn’t it fun to bring more stuff on your way back home? Most people are excited about the upcoming journey but forget about the trip back home. Saving a spare space for the items you can only find at the local shops is a wise and fun thing to do. That way, you can avoid the hassle of shipping everything to your home country and the cost of it as well. Plus, you can carry more if you go overboard with your shopping.

      • 7. LAUNDRY BAGS

      Packing dirty clothes shouldn’t be taken lightly. It could smell and make your clean clothes suffer the same fate if done wrong. Unless you do laundry while traveling, you should find a way to store dirty clothes.

      As mentioned above, you can use a packing cube to store dirty clothes separately from clean ones. If possible, you should have with you at least two bags, one for lights and one for dark clothes. Other alternatives, such as plastic bags, work fine. But you may want to stick to eco-friendly choices like laundry bags or beach towels. A local laundromat is only available sometimes, so be always prepared.


      Lost or delayed luggage is anyone’s worst nightmare. It can happen to the best of us. When you have your essentials or a set of clothes already in your carry-on, you won’t be left helpless in that precise moment.This is especially true for daily medications that may not be for sale at your destination. Plus, it saves you the hassle of opening your luggage in the middle of the plane to get what you need.


      Layout the content of your suitcase, then take a photo. This serves two purposes: one, it helps you keep track of everything in case you have left anything behind when you were packing on your way back home. Secondly, you take two photos: one before embarking and another when you return home. Compare them and see which items you used on your trip and which ones you didn’t. So next time you know for sure what to leave at home. That way you’ll be packing efficiently.      

      Another advantage of having a photographic record of the things that you have packed is that you make sure to have a photo as evidence of all your travel documents which will act as a backup. If things go wrong (they got stolen), it’s never a bad idea to have a copy of your ID, as a proof of what was stolen from you.


      As your luggage is thrown around from one place to another during flights, leakage is more likely to happen. But there’s a genius solution: putting clingfilm (plastic wrap) under toiletry bottle lids. Even the best travel bottle may be prone to leakage, and such a trick prevents the lotion or shampoo from spilling all over your clothes. Simply remove the caps, put a small plastic wrap around the opening, and seal the bottle off.

      ENJOY YOUR TRIP and feel free to share with us more hacks!

      Why is everyone sick around winter time?

      January 12th, 2024 by Angela Perrilliat

      “Put your jacket on or else you’ll get the flu”, “stay off air streams or else you’ll get a cold”, do you remember your parents ever saying that to you as a kid? I do! Or how about now, after what we went through with covid, being paranoid of every sneeze and cough you hear? I am! Have you noticed that for the past month almost everyone around you is sick every other day and it doesn’t seem to go away? Well, it’s not a new bug, it’s just the winter season (and.. a little bit of lack of precaution, our bodies forgetting how to fight more common illnesses and back-to-back infections).

      Some respiratory illnesses actually are more common during the winter but it is not because of the weather itself but because we spend more time indoors and with closed windows, which allows bacteria and viruses to pass easily from person to person. Also, if you already have a virus, lower body temperature makes it harder for you to fight it. 

      Some of these common illnesses during colder months are whooping cough, pneumonia, bronchitis (acute and chronic), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), flu and common cold. Most of them have the same symptoms at the beginning, so what you have to check out for is how it develops and if you start to experience more severe symptoms. 

      Now, symptoms that go away and then reappear could be part of the same viral infection, so that mixed with a cold environment, could make it seem like several respiratory infections immediately one after the other, but it’s really just one that seems to never end.

      Here’s a quick guide for you to distinguish between the different types of illnesses and their key symptoms:

      IllnessKey symptoms
      Whooping cough
      Starts as common cold
      Coughing spells that end with a whooping sound
      Watery eyes mixed with runny nose and sneezing
      PneumoniaStabbing chest pain
      Cough with mucus
      Accelerated breathing and pulse
      Shortness of breath
      Non-stop coughing
      Sore throat
      Persistent cough
      Chest discomfort
      Difficulty breathing
      Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
      Most likely on children, older people, people with heart, lung or immune system problems
      Decreased appetite
      Low fever
      Similar to a cold
      High fever
      Body ache
      Sore throat
      Vomit or diarrhea
      Common coldScratchy throat
      Low fever
      Chills and aches
      Runny nose

      For a complete list of symptoms, how we get each illness, how long it should last and when it is safe to get back to our workplaces/schools/social gatherings etc., read here.

      Should we bring back masks and stay home when feeling sick?

      By the beginning of last year almost everyone stopped wearing masks and forgot to take precautions in case of running into sick people, but we should reconsider bringing masks back since respiratory illnesses can become much worse in a matter of days during winter time. Wearing a mask not only prevents us from spreading viruses, it also stops chilly air from getting through our nose and lungs.

      Having respiratory issues is really a nightmare: you don’t sleep very well or don’t sleep at all, you can’t breathe correctly, sore throat makes it so painful to even pass food and saliva and we feel too tired to even take care of ourselves. We all know that feeling. Add to the fact that it can take 15 days to clear a common cold, and 25 days for a cough to go away in most cases. Adults can also have what doctors call a post-viral cough that can last for three weeks or more after other symptoms disappear. Knowing this, I think we can all agree that we should be more cautious and avoid spending up to a month sick, even if we won’t be contagious after the first week of symptoms. 

      Lastly, if it is within your possibilities, make sure you are up to date on covid and flu shots. Influenza vaccination campaigns usually take place in October or November since it is best to get vaccinated before the influenza season starts.

      New Provider Network in 2023

      November 8th, 2023 by Lia Malcon

      Effective November 6th 2023 the provider network for the ISI Protect Plan is due to change from the Multiplan PPO Network to the United Healthcare Global PPO network.

      This will be a welcome move since the UHC Global PPO network will provide wider access to participating providers.

      Please keep in mind that all policies purchased before November 6th, 2023 will continue to utilize the Multiplan PPO Network.

      Benefits of United Healthcare Global PPO Network:

      ~One of the largest networks in the US

      ~1.3 million Physicians and Care Professionals

      ~6,500 hospitals nationwide

      The new link to search for providers is: UHC Global PPO Network

      Please let us know if you have any questions about these changes, we are happy to help!

      Thank you for your understanding and please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions!

      Introducing the World Elite plan to ISI

      November 1st, 2023 by Alexis Ponce

      ISI is excited to announce that we’ve expanded our insurance options to cater to all different types of health insurance requirements and now, we will be introducing the World Elite plan, which is ACA-compliant and available for purchase for international students at select universities! The plan is available in three levels: World Elite Plus, World Elite 250, and World Elite 450. 

      Benefits include:

      • Unlimited lifetime maximum
      • Deductible options: $0, $250 and $450
      • 100% coverage for wellness and preventative care
      • Maternity, the same as any other condition
      • Pre-existing conditions
      • School sports, the same as any other condition
      • Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains

      The plan uses the optional UnitedHealthcare Global Network allowing students to choose their doctors, hospitals, and clinics. Additionally, the plan uses the Optum Rx pharmacy network so students don’t have to pay first to get reimbursed. Whenever students visit an in-network provider, the doctor, hospital, clinic or pharmacy will directly bill the insurance company for the service

      Since this plan will only be available for specific universities, we recommend that you visit our School Requirements section to learn more about which plan will work for your college or university!If you’re unsure about what plan option is suitable for your specific needs, please contact our customer service team. Our licensed insurance agents are more than happy to guide you with your insurance questions and concerns.

      Can friendships impact our health?

      November 1st, 2023 by Maria Caballero

      We are pretty much familiar with the word “friend”. A friend is usually the one you met for the first time at school or with whom you established a relationship simply by living in the building next door.

      Welcoming a friend into our lives should bring us joy and happiness, but a friendship goes much further than having a confidant with whom you can rely on, take photos or even travel with. According to several studies, friends not only contribute to improving our social life, but they can also help us in multiple ways. How is this possible? Studies have shown that friendships can bring different benefits to our mental health, let’s take a look at some of them:

      Reduce stress

      According to a study carried out by a recognized university in Canada, secreting oxytocin during a pleasant moment such as a dinner or a conversation causes us to experience relief and well-being.

      Friends will always have your back in case you need to talk to somebody or just want to take a break from work or daily life responsibilities, because most of the time they are the ones who come to our rescue when we are feeling stressed out due to personal and/or family issues.

      Improve your self-confidence

      Friends can help us see situations from a different perspective, they can give us sincere and accurate advice that can impact our way of thinking or even notice details and/or options that we had not considered previously.

      There are several psychological studies that affirm that friendships always strengthen trust and raise self-esteem because it favors communication and helps personal development.

      Helps to deal with health problems

      Unfortunately, no one is exempt from getting ill, and that usually deteriorates our body and our mental health at the same time. Psychological studies have shown that social support is important and can have a positive effect when fighting an illness, in addition to that, friends can help make it more bearable and can even speed up our recovery.

      They will make you a better person

      Friends are always there to bring out the best in us, they always push us to be better. If you don’t feel good about yourself or you’re having troubles with something, send a message or give your friends a call, because they can help you get through difficult times.

      According to a study, it is the same friends who motivate you to look for an eating plan to maintain a healthy relationship with food or who always invite you to practice sports and/or outdoor activities that involve the physical movement of your body.

      Our friends are our antidepressants

      It is proven that friendship can mitigate the symptoms of disorders such as anxiety and depression, a conclusion that is also corroborated by psychologist Pedro Agustín Garzón: “People who are alone, who do not live with others, do not relate, that is, they have low social interaction, live less and may have greater psychological difficulties.”

      A stronger heart

      In addition to exercising, identifying risk factors and having a healthy diet, a good friend also protects our cardiovascular health.This is demonstrated by a study carried out by Duke University (United States), which concluded that 50% of adults who had died from cardiovascular problems did not have close friends, while 85% of survivors had long term friendships.

      Now that you know some of the physical and psychological benefits of friendship, share with us in the comments who your best friend is and send them a message to let them know how important they are to you.


      Why should I get my vision tested?

      September 29th, 2023 by Joss Jimenez

      Sight is one of our most precious senses and it is important to make sure our sight is sharp and healthy. One way to take care of it is to have regular sight tests.

      Sight tests are essential for detecting and monitoring a variety of eye conditions, including:

      • Refractive errors. These are the most common eye problems, and they include short-sightedness (myopia), long-sightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Refractive errors can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery.
      • Eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. These diseases can lead to serious sight loss if not treated early.
      • Other health conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

      How often should you get tested for eye acuity?

      Most adults should get tested for eye acuity every two years. However, you may need to get tested more often if you have any of the following risk factors:

      • Over the age of 40
      • Have a family history of eye diseases
      • Have diabetes or high blood pressure
      • Take certain medications that can affect your vision
      • Have experienced any changes in your vision

      What happens during a sight acuity test?

      During an eye acuity test, you will be asked to sit in front of a chart with letters or symbols of different sizes. You will then be asked to cover one eye and read the smallest letters or symbols that you can see with the other eye. The process will then be repeated with the other eye.

      Your eye doctor will use the results of your eye acuity test to determine your prescription for glasses or contact lenses, if necessary. They will also use the results to monitor your vision over time and detect any changes.

      Most student plans do not include coverage for sight acuity tests, eyeglasses, or contact lens prescriptions. That is why we have made a plan available that you can use if you want to have supplementary vision coverage while you are residing in the U.S. 

      The Ameritas Vision plan includes the following benefits:

      • Annual eye exam
      • Coverage for eyeglass lenses and frames 
      • Coverage for contact lenses
      • Lens options and coatings including anti-reflective and UV protection
      • Lenses coverage include single vision, bifocals, trifocals, and lenticular

      You can review the plan and apply for it here:

      Making sure your sight is healthy is fundamental for your daily life activities and you would want to have the right coverage if you are looking to get eyeglasses or contact lenses. Our customer service team can always be contacted if you have any questions. 

      Find your plan

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