Posts Tagged ‘claim process’

Student Health Advantage & Patriot Travel Medical – How to File a Claim

January 23rd, 2020 by Leah Hammond

You’ve just been to the doctor…so now what? You showed a copy of your ID card at the time of treatment, and the doctor’s office didn’t make you pay anything out of pocket. You may think that you are all set and need to take no further action, but it’s important to make sure that […]

Top 5 Claim Challenges…and How To Deal With Them!

January 15th, 2015 by Jennifer Frankel

No matter where your studies or travels take you, a good insurance plan can only be evaluated by the way they process and pay claims. For the overwhelming majority of people, the sophisticated claims payment and management systems set up by international insurers work very smoothly. However, what if it isn’t as smooth as you […]

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