Posts Tagged ‘maternity coverage for international students’

Student Secure: Choosing the Level That’s Best for You

September 29th, 2020 by Sally Mcleod

It’s important to evaluate each level of coverage and determine what works best for your personal needs in addition to any requirements that you may have from your school. All levels of the Student Secure plan will meet the US department of state requirements for the J visa, in addition to offering coverage for COVID-19, as any other eligible illness allowing for direct payment when going inside the plan’s provider network.

Coverage for Maternity in the U.S. for International Students

September 21st, 2018 by Leah Hammond

Maternity expenses in the United States are significantly higher than around the world, and the cost to have a baby can add up quickly. Most insurance plans in the U.S. will not cover a pregnancy if you become pregnant before your policy becomes effective – so be prepared with this tips!

Maternity Coverage for International Students

March 21st, 2014 by Victoria Troupe

Pregnancies can occur, planned or not, and health care for it can be expensive. Most insurance plans will not cover a pregnancy if you are pregnant before your plan starts – so think ahead!

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