International Military Student Insurance

compliance 469682001If you plan to come to the US to become an international military student you know that this training provides you with the experience and tools to become a future leader. However, to be an international military student you must meet a few requirements- including having adequate international student health insurance for the entire time you are inside the United States.

To meet the DSCA medical policy requirements, your international military student insurance plan must include a few specific benefits like having at least $500,000 in coverage and a deductible of $1,000 or less.

Many international military students purchase the Atlas Travel plan to meet their school requirements since it also gives students flexibility when it comes to coverage and pricing. You can choose either the $500,000 coverage amount to meet your minimum requirement or a $1,000,000 policy maximum if you want even more coverage.

Having the option to also pick your own deductible with this plan means finding coverage that can meet your requirements, needs and budget. When you use your insurance plan, the deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before the insurance will begin to pay. Choosing your deductible on the Atlas Travel plan allows you to control how much you must pay when you use the plan. Although picking a higher deductible can lower your initial premium, when it comes time for a doctor’s visit or trip to the emergency room, costs are much easier to handle when a lower deductible is chosen.

Keep in mind some schools also require that your plan includes maternity. Check with your international military student office before you buy your plan to see if this requirement applies to you. If so, contact us  for international military student insurance options that include maternity coverage.

Posted by Bryanna Davis

Bryanna joined International Student Insurance in 2011 after returning to the United States from teaching English in China. Her interest in international education, sparked initially by her own study abroad experience in Wales, led her to the company. Bryanna is originally from Missouri and is a graduate from the University of Central Missouri.

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