Claims Information

Track Your Claims

You have the ability to submit your claims, track the status, and download a copy of your Explanation of Benefits (EOB) showing how your claims were processed through your Student Zone. You can register or sign in to your Student Zone here:

Access Student Zone

View Claim Forms

You will need to complete the claims form for each new injury or illness that you have (even if the provider is billing directly to the claims team). We strongly encourage you to submit your claims through your Student Zone account, as this will result in faster claims processing, but you can also access the claims form and submit the following documents directly to WorldTrips via email.

  1. Fully completed claim form
  2. Copy of photo page of your passport
  3. Copy of your I-20 or DS2019, if applicable
  4. Copy of your visa in your passport

These documents can be submitted via email to WorldTrips at for processing.

Claim Forms