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Japan Visa Insurance Requirements

Overview of the health insurance system based in Japan

Students who wish to study in Japan must first research Japanese visa requirements. Visas in Japan vary according to length of stay, and each type of visa has its own requirements and limitations.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Visas

Tourist Visa (up to 3 months)

Students who are planning to study in Japan for three months or less generally have no need to apply for a visa before they go. In this case, students can apply for a tourist visa when they arrive in the airport by completing a simple form. However, in addition to limiting the amount of time a person can spend in Japan, a tourist visa has further limitations. For example, a student staying in Japan with a tourist visa cannot work a part-time job, as tourist visas prohibit engaging in income-earning activities.

Student Visa (6+ months)

Students who are planning to study in Japan for six month or longer must apply for a student visa. Student visas allow students to stay inJapan for a year, with a possible extension up to a total of two years. Student visas also allow students to work up to 28 hours a week and sign contracts for when they want to rent an apartment, sign up for a cell phone service, or open an account at a Japanese bank.

» Requirements for a Student Visa

Working Holiday Visa (1 year)

Students who are citizens of Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Republic of Korea, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark, and residents of Taiwan and Hong Kong may be eligible for a one-year Working Holiday visa. Working holiday visas are designed to foster young people with an interest in global travel and enhance friendly relationships between Japan and partner countries/regions by providing opportunities for the young people to deepen their understanding about other countries. Working holiday visa holders are allowed to find part-time or full-time work in order to supplement their funds to travel and stay in partner countries/regions.

Requirements for a Student Visa

Students who wish to study in Japan must first get a student visa at a Japanese embassy or consulate outside of Japan. Without this, they cannot enter the country on a status of residence that permits long term studies. There are a few different statuses of residence; they differ on the type of study, for example: pre-college, college or cultural activities. In order to qualify for a student visa, acceptance into an educational institution in Japan and proof of sufficient funds to cover all your expenses during your stay are necessary. Residence permission is granted in periods of between 3 months and 4 years and 3 months, with a possibility of extension. If a student wishes to work a part-time or full-time job, he or she must first get permission from the immigration office, which will give him or her a set number of hours he or she is allowed to work per week.

Health Insurance

Students who will be staying in Japan for longer than a year must subscribe to the National Health Insurance, or NIH. They can do this at their nearest local city/ward office, where they will pay the insurance premium. This insurance premium has to be paid monthly once registration is completed. The premium varies according to local councils and one’s income, but generally the premium is about 20,000 yen per year. Once registered to the National Health Insurance, students will only need to pay 30% of the total medical bill. When receiving treatment for injuries or illnesses, they will have to present their insurance card to be eligible for the discounted payment.

Best Insurance Plans for Japan

We have a range of insurance plans, however for students studying in Japan the best insurance options are: