Link to us

We offer a number of linking options so that you can either add a text link or video to your website. If you need help or assistance with adding a link to your website please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Insurance Videos

The following insurance videos can be embedded on your website:

If you are a school and would like to show any of these videos as part of your student orientation, please contact us for more information.

Branded School Pages

In addition to our school requirements listings, we can provide branded pages with detailed information about the preferred plans which meet the requirements of your school. If you are interested in setting up a branded page, please contact us for a listing.

Text Link

If you would like to add a text link on your website please use the following HTML code and add this to your webpage:

<---------begin linking code--------->
<a href="">International Student Health Insurance</a> – Providing the very best in international student health and travel insurance plans for those studying and traveling around the world.
<---------end linking code--------->

All links must be context appropriate. Please refrain from adding any site wide or blog roll links.