Common Signs of Mental Health Issues

There are a number of signs that could indicate mental health issues. While having one or two of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have a mental illness, if you notice that you are experiencing a number of the following symptoms, it is best to seek out a mental health professional, especially if they are interfering with your ability to study, work, or socialize.

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  • Withdrawal — Recent social withdrawal and loss of interest in connecting with others.
  • Drop in ability to function — An unusual drop in functioning, at school, work or social activities, such as quitting sports, failing in school or difficulty performing familiar tasks.
  • Thinking problems — Problems with concentration, memory or logical thought and speech that are hard to explain.
  • Apathy — Loss of initiative or desire to participate in any activity, also loss of interest in things and activities that you used to enjoy
  • Constant state of nervousness — Fear or suspiciousness of others or a strong nervous feeling.
  • Unusual behavior — Odd, uncharacteristic, peculiar behavior.
  • Sleep or appetite changes — Dramatic sleep and appetite changes or decline in personal care.
  • Mood changes — Rapid or dramatic shifts in feelings throughout the day.
  • Chronic anxiety — Symptoms of anxiety may include heart palpitations, shortness of breath, headache, restlessness, diarrhea, sweats or a racing mind.
  • Depression — Feeling sad, despair or irritable for weeks or more; lacking motivation or energy.
  • Substance abuse — using alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism, increasing the frequency and amounts
  • Feeling guilty or worthless — Thoughts like “I'm a failure,” “It's my fault,” or “I'm worthless.”
  • Self-harm or suicidal ideation — Feeling the urge to harm oneself.

People who are experiencing poor mental health may have a combination of these symptoms. If you are concerned about your mental health, it’s important to talk to someone.